Direct Debit Guarantee Explained
This explains what happens if you pay your water bill by Direct Debit. All banks and building societies offer this guarantee for Direct Debit payments.
Changes to your Direct Debit
We’ll tell you at least ten working days before we take any money from your account if there are any changes to:
• the amount we take
• the date we take the payment
• how often we take payments
If you ask us to take a payment, we’ll confirm the amount and the date at the time you ask us.
If something goes wrong with a payment
If we or your bank make a mistake with your Direct Debit payment, you have the right to a full and immediate refund from your bank.
If you get a refund you’re not meant to have, you must pay it back to us when we ask you to.
Cancelling your Direct Debit
You can cancel your Direct Debit at any time by contacting your bank. They may ask you to confirm this in writing.
Please also tell us if you cancel your Direct Debit. You can do this by calling us on 0333 000 0001. Our lines are open 8am - 7pm, Monday to Friday, and from 8am to 1pm on Saturday.