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Talking about money can be tough. But, if you're struggling to pay your bill, we have a range of schemes to help.

What support can I get?

  • Is your household income less than £18,725 (not including any disability or housing benefits)?
  • Are you in receipt of a qualifying benefit and have either:
    - Three or more children under the age of 19 living at home? Or:
    - Someone in your household has a medical condition that means you need to use more water?
  • Do you live alone or in a bedsit or sheltered accommodation?

If the answer is yes to any of these questions and you find yourself struggling to pay your water bill, have any money worries or receive benefits there are lots of ways we can help.

The best thing is to give us a call so we can find the right option for you.

A specially trained member of our Customer Care team is waiting to offer confidential advice and support. Call us on 0800 952 4000(opens in a new tab) (Monday to Friday between 8am - 7pm)

You can also send us a private message on Facebook(opens in a new tab).

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Social Tariff:

Our Social Tariff caps your drinking water bill, which we are responsible for. As we bill on behalf of your waste water supplier, the tariff will also include a discount on the waste water part of your bill.

You would qualify for this tariff if your yearly household income is less than £18,725, excluding any disability and housing payments you may receive.

If your yearly household income is over £18,725 but less than £22,020 and your waste water provider is Southern Water, you may be able to get a discount on the waste water part of your bill. Please contact us to apply for this.

You can find out who your waste water supplier is by visiting Water UK's website(opens in a new tab).

If you are of pensionable age, or know someone who is, you could be missing out on getting Pension Credit. Thousands of people in our area aren't claiming when they should. If you receive Pension Credit, you may also qualify for our Social Tariff. To check and apply for Pension Credit, visit the Government's website here(opens in a new tab).

From 1 April 2025 we are changing our Social Tariff structure to enable us to support even more customers who need help paying their bill.

What’s changing?

From 1 April, our Social Tariff will apply a tiered discount based on your household income (excluding any disability and housing payment you receive).

If your total household income is between £17,000 and £21,000 you will receive a 30% reduction on your water bill. If your household income is less than £17,000, you will receive a 50% reduction.

As we bill on behalf of your waste water supplier, the tariff will also include a discount on the waste water part of your bill.

Applications for the new tiered discount will open on 1 April. Please get in touch to apply for this.

Currently on our Social Tariff?

If you currently receive a discount under our Social Tariff, please note that this will remain unchanged and the same level of discount will continue. If you think you would receive a greater benefit from one of the new tiers under our Social Tariff please get in touch with us.


Our WaterSure Bill cap means you will not be charged more than our average bill. You could be eligible for WaterSure if you are a metered customer in receipt of certain qualifying benefits and have either three or more children under the age of 19 or have someone in your home with a medical condition, which means you use a lot of water.

To find out more about these support tariffs and if you are able to apply, login to your South East Water online portal, My Account (opens in a new tab).

Helping Hand:

Our Helping Hand scheme is funded by donations from us and offers financial assistance to clear water and sewerage debt owed.

We make grants through the scheme to our customers who demonstrate they are taking steps to achieve financial stability but need help clearing water and sewerage debt which has built up over the years.

You can apply for the Helping Hand Scheme by using My Account here(opens in a new tab).

Water Direct:

This is a third party scheme administered by the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP). If you claim certain benefits such as Income Support, Pension Credit, Income-based Jobseeker’s or Employment Support Allowance, we may be able to take deductions straight from your benefits.

In summary, it may be possible for the DWP to pay us directly from your benefits if you are in receipt of one of the above.

The scheme is free and, if successful, you won't have to worry about any further debt recovery action. You'll pay your current year's charges plus a fixed amount to help clear your arrears.

If you're on assessed charges, there may also be a cheaper tariff for you:

Single Occupier Tariff:

The Single Occupier Tariff is designed for customers on unmetered charges who are the sole occupier of the property. The Single Occupier Tariff brings the assessed charge down to the equivalent of a one-bedroom assessed property.

Single Room Tariff:

We offer a Single Room Tariff which can help those customers who occupy a single room with communal hot water and laundry facilities, such as sheltered accommodation and bedsits.

If you're eligible for either of the above tariffs, please get in touch.

Get in touch

If you'd rather speak to someone on the phone, please call our dedicated Customer Care team on 0333 000 0001(opens in a new tab).

All of our advisors are specially trained to offer confidential advice and support. Lines are open Monday to Friday between 8am - 7pm.

Independent advice

There are a number of independent organisations we can recommend which offer independent advice on a range of different subjects, from disability and ill health to wellbeing and financial worries.

Visit our dedicated Trusted Organisations webpage for more information.

Kind words from our customers

"As you are aware I have an account with South East Water that has been in debt by a considerable amount for many years. I have tried very had to be able as a single parent to keep up with a repayment plan and not always managed this.

I would like to personally thank you and South East Water for everything you have done to help me.

Firstly you have always been very understanding and although my debt is a considerable amount you have offered nothing but compassion and kind advice.

I have felt that I was drowning in debt but every communication I sent to you was met with a reply that reassured me and left me feeling that as long as I was trying you understood.

I cannot thank you and South East Water enough for your patience, understanding and support during my hard times."

- Mr Charlton, East Sussex

"I was excited, shocked and couldn’t believe what Sara at South East Water had done for me, making the application [for the social tariff] on my behalf, calling me each month and taking my payments and helping me every step of the way. She is a diamond. Without Sara's support and backing I don’t think this would have been possible."

- Janet, Eastbourne

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