There are a number of independent organisations which offer advice on a range of subjects, from disability and ill health to wellbeing and financial worries. Find out more about the services they offer below.

Online help

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Scope is a disability equality charity in England and Wales. They provide practical information and emotional support when it is most needed.

They are a strong community of disabled and non-disabled people with a shared vision of equality.

The advice and support are given through their helpline, online community, community engagement programmes, partnerships, and so much more.

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Money and Pension services

The network brings together some of the country’s best-known debt advice providers so you can access free, confidential, and independent debt advice immediately.

You won’t need to pay for the advice you receive, and speaking to them won’t affect your credit rating.

The network is run by the MoneyHelper, a UK arm’s-length government body that helps you access free, confidential and independent debt advice.

Help in Kent

Kent Support and Assistance Service

The Kent Support and Assistance Service can help you if you have experienced an unforeseen, short-term crisis or are facing exceptional pressure from an emergency.

This support is offered briefly if you have no other means of support and all other avenues have been exhausted.

Help in Sussex

Care for the Carers East Sussex

If you are looking after someone who, due to illness, disability, a mental health problem or an addiction, could not cope without you, you may be an unpaid carer.

Care for the Carers is the Carers Centre for East Sussex. It can help unpaid carers of all ages with:

  • Information, guidance and support
  • Free carers activities, including cookery classes and well-being sessions
  • Counselling for adults, parent carers and 12-18-year-olds
  • An emergency plan if you are unable to look after someone
  • Connecting with other carers through carers groups
  • Registering for a carers card to receive discounts and offers

Help in Berkshire Hampshire and Surrey

Recite Me accessibility and Language Support