We understand that sometimes you might need a little extra help with your water supply. This could be because of your age, a health condition, a disability, or even just a temporary change in your situation.
If that sounds like you, our Priority Services Register could help. It’s completely free to sign up, and you don’t have to be the account holder to register.
This may be short term while you are going through some temporary life changes or longer term where you may have restricted mobility, may be deaf, blind or partially sighted. It also includes our elderly customers or those suffering a sickness or illness.
Registering is quick and easy. Simply fill in our secure online form here(opens in a new tab), or call our Customer Care Team on 0800 952 4000(opens in a new tab). We're here to help Monday to Friday between 8am - 7pm.
Watch our short video below to hear about how Priority Services work and what we're doing with other utility companies to promote them.
Who can sign up?
You can register if any of the following apply to you or someone you live with:

You’re of pensionable age, or you have children under five.

You have needs relating to your sight, hearing, speech, or language.

Medical conditions
You have a chronic or serious illness, or a cognitive impairment such as dementia.

Medical equipment
You use medical equipment, such as a dialysis machine, ventilator, nebuliser, or oxygen therapy.

You have a disability or physical impairment, or have additional mobility needs.

Life changing events
You’re going through a significant life change, such as a bereavement, recovering from a hospital stay, or a change in circumstances.
Additional support available
If you sign up to our Priority Services Register, we can:
• Let you know beforehand about any planned work that might affect your water supply
• Give you priority if your water supply is interrupted. We’ll try to get you an alternative supply as quickly as possible, and we’ll often hand-deliver bottled water to customers with mobility issues
• Send you important information in a format that’s easier for you to use, such as large print
• Let you set up a password so you know it’s really us if we need to visit your home
• Send your water bill to someone else, or let us know who to contact if your bill isn’t paid (the person you nominate must agree to this)
• Send you large print bills, or call you to read your bill to you
• Help you with our interpretation service if English isn’t your first language
• Give you information about organisations that can advise you on changes you can make to your water fittings and appliances at home
What happens next?
Once you’ve registered, we’ll send you a welcome letter to confirm:
• The services you’ve signed up for and any communication needs you have
• How we’ll support you if your water supply is interrupted
• How we’ll use your data
• How to contact us
• What to do if your situation changes
Checking in with you
We’ll also check in with you every two years to make sure we’re still giving you the best possible service. We’ll try to contact you three times within each two-year period by email, text message, or post. This helps us make sure your details are up to date so we can give you the right support.
Need help now?
If you, or someone you know, doesn’t have water and needs extra support, please call our Customer Care team on 0333 000 2468(opens in a new tab) (Monday to Friday, 8am to 7pm). For out-of-hours emergencies, please call 0333 000 0365(opens in a new tab).
Website Accessibility
If you’re finding it difficult to use our website, we have a tool called Recite Me that can help.
Recite Me includes audio playback, dyslexia software, a dictionary, and a translation tool with up to 90 languages. You can also change the colour scheme, font size, and style.
To use Recite Me, click on the ‘Accessibility’ button on the right of this page. You can find out more about Recite Me here: Find out more about Recite Me.
Working together to help you
We share your address and priority needs with your energy network operator, which will be either UK Power Networks or Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks, depending on where you live.
They will also share information with us about their Priority Services Register customers.
This is so we can all work together to make sure you get the support you need.