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Following the success of our vulnerability event in 2019, we've once again brought our key stakeholders together to provide an update on what we’ve been up to and share knowledge.

Due to the restrictions surrounding Covid-19 a physical event was not possible, so we've endeavoured to take it online!

Thank you to all those who attended our virtual 2020 event series. We hope you enjoyed the sessions and found them useful.

If you would like to watch the events again, or were unable to join one of the sessions, don’t worry, we are placing recordings of each event on this page so you can watch them back at your leisure.

The events


Explore the challenges and opportunities Covid-19 has created, hear about the changes both ourselves and our stakeholders have been experiencing in recent months and how we can support each other and work together going forward.

Guest speakers:

  • Steph Littlefield and Nav Singh, Department for Work and Pensions Canterbury and Dover (Job Centre Plus)
  • Lee Appleyard, Money and Pension Service, South East Region Manager

Download the affordability event session pack(opens in a new tab)

South East Water’s Resilient Customer Strategy

During the past year we’ve been busy behind-the-scenes developing our new Resilient Customer Strategy. Find out how it will support you and your customers, as well as support those most in need.

Download the resilient customer event session pack(opens in a new tab)

Communication and accessibility

In a world that’s a little uncertain at the moment it’s more important that we get our communication right. Hear how we attained and continue to maintain our coveted British Standards Institute (BSI) 18477 accreditation and discuss how can we communicate and work collaboratively to ensure our services are accessible and reliable in these challenging times.

Guest speaker:

  • Robert Melvill, Citizens Advice

Download the communication and accessibility session pack(opens in a new tab)

Recite Me accessibility and Language Support