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Work to begin to improve water supply in Paddock Wood

26th March 2024

A project to improve water supply in Paddock Wood is due to begin this Easter weekend, with work taking place in two phases.

Phase one of a £900,000 investment by fresh drinking water supplier South East Water is due to begin once schools break up for the holidays.

Project Manger Jeremy Dufour explained: “To install the new water main, we need to close Gedges Hill and Chantler’s Hill. We know these are key routes, especially for Mascalls Academy, and so our work has been timed to fit within the school holidays to minimise disruption.

“Residents will see machinery arriving on Thursday and stored overnight in Chantler’s Hill ready for us to start work on Friday. Access will be maintained for residents and businesses, and our team will be working as quickly and safely as possible to ensure the roads are reopened on time when term restarts after the Easter holiday.”

The first section of work is expected to take two weeks, with the second phase due to begin on Tuesday 23 July.

Detailing the work, Jeremy added: “This vital project, installing just over 400 metres of new water main, will ensure that residents of Paddock Wood will continue to receive top quality drinking water as the community continues to grow. Without this work, customer may otherwise see a reduction in water pressure.

“We’d like to thank the community for their patience as we carry out this work.”

To keep updated with this project, please visit southeastwater.co.uk/gedgeshill

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