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Work set to start on Tongham project

20th July 2023

Work to strengthen the water network in Tongham is set to start on Monday and continue throughout the six weeks of the school summer holidays.

An investment of £130,000 is being made by South East Water to lay 170 metres of new water main along The Street to increase the capacity of the network and meet demand from new development in the area as the community grows.

The updated project to lay new pipeline between Manor Farm and the entrance to a new development at Westbroke Way was presented at a drop-in event last Thursday (13 July) at Tongham Village Hall, with more than 30 residents, councillors and business owners attending.

Jeremy Dufour, South East Water Project Manager, said: “Following community feedback at previous public meetings, we have re-looked at the plans and created an alternative which will minimise disruption to the community.

“It has enabled us to reduce the road closure to six weeks with work to lay the 170 metres of new water main set to take place in two phases during the school summer holidays.”

The original plans were to lay 600 metres of pipeline along The Street over the course of 21 weeks, with four weeks under multi-way traffic lights and the road closed for 17 weeks.

Several residents took the chance to ask South East Water’s project team various questions about the revised plans on Thursday, with many of those attending expressing positive feelings about the changes made to the scheme following consultation.

Les Oakley, Tongham Parish Council chairman, said: “It is important this work takes place to ensure future drinking water supplies for Tongham. While we know the road closure may cause difficulties, we thank South East Water for listening to the community, reviewing their plans and reducing the work from 21 weeks to six.

“I thank the businesses and residents of Tongham for their support during the consultation with the water company.”

Work on the project is set to start on Monday, 24 July, with the first phase of the rolling road closure between Manor Farm and the entrance to the Hogs Back Brewery, before work continues south of the brewery entrance to Westbroke Way until early September.

Access to properties and businesses will be maintained, although The Street will be closed to through traffic for the duration of the work.

To find out more about the updated project, visit www.southeastwater.co.uk/tongham.

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