Water company asks farmers to help keep taps flowing

15th July 2022

Farmers across south east England are being asked to reduce their water use for the next ten days, as demand for water soars.

South East Water has seen the region’s daily water use jump from a summer average of 540 million litres up to 660 million litres this week.

The clean water supplier is urging farmers to reduce their overall water use, especially when demand for water peaks between 7.30 and 10 each morning and evening.

Simon Lohrey, Surface Water Manager, said: “As temperatures climb, so does demand for water.

“With the continued hot weather across the South East, combined with very little rainfall, demand for water is exceptionally high.

“That’s why we’re asking farmers to try and reduce their overall water use for the next ten days and - where possible - avoid using water between 7.30 and 10 each morning and evening when demand across our network is highest.

“Of course you will need to irrigate crops, keep animals hydrated and carry out essential cleaning, but we really appreciate you keeping all non-essential water use to a minimum until the temperature drops.

“Taking simple steps to reduce your water use will help us keep taps flowing this summer – for farmers, and the rest of our 2.3 million customers across the south east.”

Top tips for saving water on your farm:

  • Checking any pipework, troughs or reservoirs for leaks
  • Delay irrigation, spraying and any non-urgent water use until the temperatures start to fall
  • Avoid washing your tractor or yard during this hot spell.

All year round, South East Water provides a range of free advice and funding to farmers in priority groundwater and river catchments, including water efficiency audits, grants for rainwater harvesting and farm infrastructure, and a range of other sustainable farming initiatives.

Simon continues: “While all our efforts right now are focused on maintaining water supplies across our network, our dedicated team of farm advisors can offer a range of help and advice.

“When this hot spell is over, we’d encourage any farmers in our region to visit southeastwater.co.uk/farming(opens in a new tab) (http://www.southeastwater.co.uk/farming) to find out more.”

Daily updates on the water supply situation are available online

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