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Post-maize grass funding near-doubled for south east farmers

30th September 2022

Maize growers looking to protect their maize fields after harvest can claim £200 per hectare from South East Water for post-maize grass cover this October.

The drinking-water only company has near-doubled post-maize funding for the month of October as part of its commitment to reduce sediment, pesticide and nutrient input into rivers and aquifers across the south east.

Catchment Advisor Tom Abbotts, explains:

“To help farmers after a difficult year, we've increased our post-maize grass funding from £110 to £200 per hectare for any species of grass sown post-harvest.
“With harvest over, now is the perfect time to think about winter field cover to protect against soil erosion and nutrient leaching.
“We know this has been an extremely challenging growing season with difficult ground conditions for inter-row sowing, but it’s not too late to protect your fields – and local water sources.

This is part of a series of measures to protect multiple water sources from diffuse pollution, before the water is abstracted and turned into drinking water for South East Water’s 2.3 million customers.

South East Water has a long history of working with farmers and landowners across the south east, with funding available year-round for a range of on-farm improvements and sustainable land management initiatives.

Tom continues

“In addition to this increase in maize funding, farmers in our priority catchment areas can access up to £20,000 per year for farm infrastructure improvements, land management and free water efficiency audits.
“Other land management options available to those in our priority catchment areas include £75 per hectare for winter cover crops.
“Planning ahead for next spring, inter-row sowing is an excellent way to protect and improve soil on maize fields.
“Allowing grass to establish through summer between the crop reduces soil and nutrient loss whilst reducing the need to travel on wet fields in winter.”

For these options, the water provider offers £160 for inter-row sowing maize with grass or £280 per hectare for herbal leys.

The full list of funding is available on our grant funding page, while those interested in the special post-maize offer must submit an application form by 31 October via our sustainable maize management webpage.

Those interested can also email catchment@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab) with any questions.

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