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Hear and ask questions about South East Water’s future business plan

10th October 2023

Customers of South East Water will have an opportunity to ask questions about the company’s most ambitious five year investment plan which has been submitted to regulator Ofwat.

The ‘Your Water, your say’ virtual meeting is to take place from 6pm to 8pm on 31 October where the plan to invest in its infrastructure £1.9 billion over five years from 2025 will be outlined and any queries answered.

This is part of a nationwide programme for all water companies, supported by economic regulator Ofwat and CCW (Consumer Council for Water).

People unable to join digitally will be able to attend in person at a series of hub locations across South East Water’s operating area. Details of the venues can be obtained by ringing 0333 000 0114(opens in a new tab).

More details about the event can be found at www.southeastwater.co.uk/ywys .

Customers can register to receive a link to join online here(opens in a new tab)

Questions to South East Water can be posted in advance by emailing CCW yourwateryoursay@ccwater.org.uk(opens in a new tab)

South East Water provides drinking water only, with its customers receiving wastewater services from either Southern Water(opens in a new tab) or Thames Water(opens in a new tab). Both companies are running similar events, and the details for registration are on their websites.

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