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Basingstoke pipe project completes on time

11th April 2022

A vital project to install nearly 700 metres of pipe to boost the capacity of Basingstoke’s water network has completed on schedule.

South East Water installed a £500,000 new water main in Winchester Road, Basingstoke, to ensure customers’ water supply is not impacted by future community growth.

Jeremy Dufour, South East Water Project Manager, said: “Having started in January, I am really pleased at the speed in which our team has completed this vital project.

“This scheme was very much short-term pain for long-term gain so I would like to thank the local residents and motorists for their continued patience during the scheme.”

Temporary traffic lights were in place to keep the community safe – as well as a road closure at the junction of Heather Way and Lavender Road – but all traffic management has now been removed.

Jeremy added: “I know this road is a busy area and the traffic management will have caused some disruption but the community can now rest assured their water supply will not suffer as the population grows.”

The project formed part of South East Water’s £433 million investment into its water network between 2020 and 2025.

To find out about both planned and emergency works which may be taking place, visit the company’s interactive map at: aqualerter.southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab)

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