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We’re investing £5.6 million in upgrading the water network in the Punnetts Town area of East Sussex to improve the quality of your drinking water.

We know our water supply in the area is not the standard we want for our customers and discolouration has been a common issue. To help improve this, we will be replacing approximately 6.5 kilometres of old water main along Battle Road, between Heathfield and Rushlake Green.

Work started on Tuesday 7 May, and is expected to take around 16 months, but we’ll do our best to get the work done quicker if we can, making sure we work safely and effectively.

This work forms part of a wider plan to improve the water supply network in East Sussex, with work also taking place in Rother, at our Bewl Water Treatment Works and in the Wadhurst area.

Current working area

We are currently working under temporary traffic lights on:

  • Battle Road (at the junction with School Hill), and
  • Battle Road (east of the junction with Blackdown Lane)

Project Programme

Please be aware that this programme is to be used as a guideline only and may change depending on how work progresses. Please check the project updates below for the latest information.

We have between two and five teams working on this project during the life of the scheme, working in multiple areas. Their working hours will be 7.00am to 7.00pm weekdays and 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays.

There may be times during these hours when you do not see the team on site – this could be for a number of reasons including allowing concrete or the road surface to set or testing the new main. During these periods, please continue to follow traffic management structures – either abiding by the temporary lights or using the signposted diversion – to ensure the safety of everyone.

Battle Road / Cade Street

We will not be working along Battle Road and Cade Street from one direction to another but moving between sections due to various considerations and restrictions.

LocationAnticipated date
A265 Burwash Road junction to School HillCurrent working area
Old Heathfield Road to Cade Street NurseryCompleted
Cade Street Nursery to Hugletts LaneCompleted
Hugletts Lane to Chapel LaneCompleted
Chapel Lane to Upper Greenwoods LaneCompleted
Upper Greenwoods Lane to ColdHarbour LaneCompleted
Coldharbour Lane to North StreetCompleted
West of Blackdown Lane to Middle LaneCurrent working area
Three Cups Corner21 July 2025 to mid-September 2025

Middle Lane

LocationAnticipated date
Battle Road junction to Goldings Lane junctionCompleted
Goldings Lane junction to The ChantryCompleted
The Chantry to Pleydells CottagesCompleted

School Hill


Halley Road


Barley Mow Lane


Old Heathfield Road

School Hill junction to Battle Road junction: Late July 2025 to late August 2025

Diversion routes and traffic management

Most of the work will be carried out under temporary traffic lights on Battle Road, although the project will require a number of road closures, including side roads along Battle Road as work progresses and temporary traffic lights are moved to those areas. Small local diversions will be in place for these. This will allow us to minimise disruption by allowing two-way lights on the B2096.

Please find below the remaining diversion maps for each work location. These will be implemented as our work on Battle Road moves along the carriageway. Each of these roads will be closed at the junction as works pass, to maintain the two-way traffic lights on Battle Road.


We know our water supply in the Heathfield and Punnetts Town area of East Sussex is not the standard we want for our customers and discolouration has been a common issue. To help improve this, we will be upgrading approximately 6.5 kilometres of water main.

We are finalising the programme of works but expect construction to begin in mid-May. The project is expected to take around 16 months.

Most of the work will be carried out under temporary traffic lights on Battle Road, although the project will require the following road closures:

  • B2096 Battle Road at Three Cups Corner
  • Middle Lane from the junction with the B2096 (Battle Road) to Pleydell’s Cottages
  • School Hill from the junction with the B2096 (Cade Steet) to the junction with Old Heathfield Road
  • Old Heathfield Road from the junction with the B2096 (Cade Street) to the junction with School Hill

We will also need to close side roads along Battle Road as work progresses and temporary traffic lights are moved to those areas. Small local diversions will be in place for these. This will allow us to minimise disruption by allowing two-way lights on the B2096.

Dates and durations of these closures will be advised closer to the start of the works.

The diversion routes, agreed by East Sussex Highways, are available on the website, southeastwater.co.uk/punnettstown, and will be clearly signposted locally for the duration of the works.

While we know traffic management can be disruptive, the safety of both the public and our workforce is a priority. Road closures will be kept to the shortest duration possible to minimise impact to customers and motorists.

No roads will be closed for the whole duration of the project. Closures will be detailed on this webpage and will be phased so that there are no clashes.

When creating a diversion, we are required to offer a route which follows the same class (or above) of the road we are closing. For example, when we close a B road, the diversion needs to follow other B roads or above.

We are aware that local residents may know quicker ways to navigate around a diversion route. However, we do not encourage this, again for safety, and advise all traffic to follow the official diversion route at all times.

Road signs will be placed in advance to reinforce this message and advise of the diversion route. Signage will remain in place for the duration of each road closure, and we urge people not to tamper with these.

We work in phases along the road, in up to 150m sections, to maintain access for residents and businesses, and where necessary work between junctions to prevent the use of multiway traffic lights.

When using the open cut method, we will excavate the section of road, lay the pipe and return the working area to its original state before we move to the next section. This may mean that the direction you take to enter or leave your property may change as we move along the road.

Bin collections and deliveries will still be able to access properties for the duration of our work, they will need to follow the diversion routes as signposted throughout. Our team on site will be able to support these if necessary by ensuring the excavations are safe to cross.

Teams will be working extended hours, from 7.00am to 7.00pm on weekdays, and from 9.00am to 5.00pm on Saturdays.

Our programme of works is based on using open cut methods to lay the new pipeline. This requires us to dig a trench to install the main. Once on site, we may find sections suitable for directional drilling: a faster method to lay pipeline. However, this is dependent on ground conditions. We have recently gathered information from several trial holes that will help us to determine which areas we can use this alternative method.

We will be working in School Hill, Old Heathfield Road and on the Battle Road closure during school holidays and so will not impact on the examinations period at the school.

There will be a short interruption to supply when we need to connect the new pipeline to the existing main. However, we will provide 48 hours notice prior to this happening, and whenever possible will avoid peak times of water usage.

Customers with additional needs be it a disability, mental health or financial concerns can sign up to our Priority Services Register to help us understand how we can help you. More information can be found at southeastwater.co.uk/priority.

This webpage will be updated as work progresses, but if you have any concerns during the work, the staff on site will be happy to answer any questions you may have. If you would like to speak to us direct, please call our Customer Technical Centre on 0333 000 1100 or email us at customerservices@southeastwater.co.uk

To register for free text or email updates about work in your area, visit aqualerter.southeastwater.co.uk/manage-alerts

Project updates

Monday, 10 March 2025
09:43 AM

We've completed laying the new main along Battle Road from the A265 to School Hill, and now need to complete testing of this. We'll then make the new main ready to take water before bringing it into service. We need to make a connection to the existing network, and transfer several customer supply pipes to the new main.

At the Blackdown Lane end of Battle Road, we've transferred customer services to the new main, and have returned the road back to its original state and reopened Blackdown Lane. Traffic management has been moved east along Battle Road ready for us to lay the next 200 meters of pipeline.

Monday, 3 March 2025
15:28 PM

We're continuing to work along Battle Road and are currently at the junction with School Hill. The the final section of pipe for this stage will be laid this week, and a connection made to our existing network. Once this has been completed and the main successfully tested, we'll be returning the working area to its original condition and start transferring customer supplies along Battle Road. We'll also be returning the grass verge by the A265 back to its original condition.

Further down Battle Road, we're working east from Blackdown Lane towards Three Cups Corner. This week, we'll be transferring the remaining customer supply pipes to the new main on Battle Road before moving the traffic lights along the road so we can lay the next 200 metre section. Once we reach the point where the road narrows, we'll be leaving the area before returning during the school summer holidays to work at Three Cups Corner.

Monday, 24 February 2025
09:16 AM

We've now laid around 620 metres of new pipeline from the junction with the A265 along Battle Road. The traffic lights have now moved to the junction with School Hill and these are now three-way lights as we work at the junction this week.

At the opposite end of Battle Road, we've installed 100 metres from the junction with Blackdown Lane, and this is currently being tested. This week, once we've received successful results, we'll be connecting customer supply pipes to the new main. We'll then return the working area to its original state and move the traffic lights along to the next 100 metre section.

Monday, 17 February 2025
09:00 AM

We've laid a further 100 metres of new main along Battle Road, working east away from the junction of the A265 towards School Hill, taking our total for this section to 520 metres. This week, we'll be laying the next 100 metre section. Once that is laid, we'll return the working area to its original state and move the traffic lights along to the next section. The lights will be changed from two-way lights to three-way lights, to include the junction with School Hill.

This week we'll also be laying 100 metres of new water main along Battle Road, east from the junction with Blackdown Lane.

Monday, 10 February 2025
09:21 AM

We're continuing to work east along Battle Road away from the junction with the A265, with another 200 metres of new pipeline laid this week. This week we'll be moving the traffic management to the next section as we carry on working along the road, towards School Hill.

We've also resumed work further along Battle Road, with two-way traffic lights at the junction with Blackdown Lane. There is further traffic management to control flow of traffic into and out of Blackdown Lane. We'll be working east, and will be excavating and laying 100 metres this week.

Monday, 3 February 2025
13:14 PM

We've laid a further 200 metres of new water main along Battle Road working east from the junction with the A265. We've returned the working area to its original state and this week, we'll be moving the traffic lights along the road to prepare for the next section of drilling to lay more pipeline.

We've completed our section of work in Cade Street, opposite Hugletts Lane, and this week, the team who were working here will be moving further along Battle Road. Traffic lights will be set up at the junction with Blackdown Lane and we'll be working east.

Monday, 27 January 2025
17:07 PM

Last week, we prepared and installed 200 metres of new pipeline from the A265 along Battle Road. This week, we’ll make the road safe to use again before moving our working area along Battle Road in preparation for laying the next 200 metres.

In Cade Street, opposite Hugletts Lane, we’ve completed the required pipe and ground work for the new booster to be installed. This week, we’ll be returning the working area to its original state and will be checking to make sure all customer services in this area are connected on to the new water main.

Tuesday, 21 January 2025
17:07 PM

Last week, we dug out a section of the verge of the A265 and Battle Road to lay additional pipework and equipment to support and monitor the network. We have returned our working area on the A265 and part of the footway to their original state, to allow for the traffic lights to be moved the next working area. We will be working in verge and will need to revisit this section at a future date to connect the new pipework to our network. The verge will be fenced off during this time and we'll return it to its original state once we've completed our work.

This week, we’ll be continuing to work between the A265 and Battle Road, and will be preparing to lay a section of pipework into Battle Road using the directional drilling method.

Opposite Hugletts Lane in Cade Street, we continue to install the required pipework ready for a new booster to be installed.

Monday, 13 January 2025
09:07 AM

Our teams returned to work after the Christmas break on Monday 6 January, setting up a road closure on Hugletts Lane and two-way traffic lights at the junction of Battle Road and the A265.

We’re pleased to say that work in Hugletts Lane was completed early and the road has now reopened. We’d like to thank the residents for their patience and Heathfield Chapel for supporting the works by allowing residents to park in the lay-by outside the chapel. This week, we’ll be working in the verge on Cade Street, opposite the junction for Hugletts Lane to install the required pipework for a new booster.

At the junction of Battle Road with the A265, we’re continuing to excavate this week which will allow us to make a connection to our existing network. Once this is completed, we’ll start moving our working area along Battle Road away from the junction and towards School Hill.

Tuesday, 17 December 2024
10:53 AM

Break in work over Christmas

In our working area on Battle Road, between the junctions with Bakery Lane and Blackdown Lane, we’ve transferred a further five customer supply pipes to the new main, and we’re awaiting test results for the next 100 metres of new pipeline before we connect the remaining supply pipes. Once they have been completed, we’ll be returning the road to its original state, ready to clear away the traffic lights on Friday, 20 December. After the Christmas break, the team working on this section will be moved to work on the junction of the A265 Burwash Rd and Battle Road.

In Cade Street, we’ve been preparing for the work required at the junction with Hugletts Lane, which will be carried out in the new year. This week, we’ll also be preparing to clear away the traffic lights from the road ahead of the Christmas break.

Friday, 29 November 2024
16:30 PM

This week, we made a connection to our existing network and transferred 16 customer supply pipes to the new water main. We returned our current working area on Battle Road between North Street and Blackdown Lane to its original state. Next week, we’ll be preparing to lay the next 200 metre length of new pipeline. To do this, we’ll excavate several pits to allow us to use the directional drilling method.

In Cade Street, we’ve now laid a total of 670 metres and next week, we’ll be transferring several customer supply pipes to the new main, connecting to the existing network and returning part of the working area to its original state as we move along towards Hugletts Lane.

Friday, 22 November 2024
15:46 PM

This week, we installed a further 100 metres along Battle Road working east from the junction of North Street towards the junction with Blackdown Lane. The new length of main has been tested and made ready to use. We are just waiting for successful sampling, and then we’ll transfer customer supply pipes to this new section next week. Once we’ve completed that, we’ll make the road useable again and move along to the next section.

Work is also progressing well along Cade Street, with the rest of the new main in this section set to be laid next week. We’ll then need to make sure all customer supply pipes have been connected, along with connections to the existing network.

In total, we’ve now installed 4.7 kilometres of new water main. We're currently planning on removing all traffic management for Christmas to completely reopen the road from Friday 20 December to Thursday 2 January.

Monday, 11 November 2024
15:34 PM

Work was completed across the junction of Battle Road and Bakery Lane, with Bakery Lane reopened on Friday as planned. This week, we’ll be installing the next 200 metres of new pipeline using the directional drilling method, which means you’ll see several small pits excavated along the road rather than one long open trench.

The working area on Cade Street has moved east towards Hugletts Lane, where we’ll preparing and installing 136 metres of new water main, also using the directional drilling method.

Tuesday, 5 November 2024
10:09 AM

On Battle Road, we’ve now started to cross Bakery Lane with our new pipeline. We’ll be installing this smaller section of main, making connections and transferring services to allow us to reopen the junction on Friday 8 November.

In Cade Street, we’ve installed a further 134 metres of new pipeline. This week, we’re transferring customer supply pipes before we return the current working area to its original condition and moving along to the next working area. This will be east of the garden centre and working toward Hugletts Lane

Wednesday, 30 October 2024
09:46 AM

Last week we received successful testing results and were able to connect customer supply pipes to the newest section of water main between Flitterbrook Lane and Bakery Lane. Once this was completed, we restored the road to its original condition and this will continue this week as we prepare to work across the junction of Battle Road and Bakery Lane. This will begin on 4 November.

In Cade Street, we had to carefully excavate the required pits to allow us to drill the next section of pipework to ensure we remain a suitable distance from existing utilities. This 134 metre section of pipeline was successfully installed earlier this week. While we await test and sampling results this week, we’ll be preparing to connect customer supply pipes to the new main.

Friday, 18 October 2024
07:57 AM

This week, we installed just over 100 metres of new pipeline on Battle Road between the junctions with Flitterbrook Lane and Bakery Lane. This is now undergoing testing and sampling ahead of being brought into service. While we await the test results, we’re preparing to connect customer supply pipes to the new main. These connections will take place next week, once we’ve received successful test results, and we’ll then restore the current working area to its original state.

In Cade Street, we’ve started returning the current area to its original state. We have the last few customer supply connections to finish on this section and these will be completed next week. We're planning to prepare and install the next 150 metre section of new pipeline using the directional drilling method.

Please note that from Monday 4 November, we will need to close Bakery Lane at its junction with Battle Road for five days to allow us to cross this section with the new pipework.

Friday, 11 October 2024
15:06 PM

This week we’ve transferred a further 19 customer supply pipes to the new water main in Battle Road and are now restoring the current working area to its original state ready to move along to the next section.

In Cade Street, we’ve now laid a total of 400 metres of new pipeline. Next week, we’ll be preparing to transfer customer supply pipes while we wait for testing results to return. Once we have successful results, we’ll make the connections and restore the current working area to its original condition.

Tuesday, 8 October 2024
15:51 PM

We were able to reopen Flitterbrook Lane on Monday, now that we have completed this section of work. We are currently working to transfer 23 customer supply pipes to connect to the new section of main, which we will be doing throughout this week, before moving the traffic management further along Battle Road towards Bakery Lane.

In Cade Street, we’ll be transferring the final three services on our current section then restoring the current working area to its original state before preparing to drill the next section of new main.

Monday, 30 September 2024
15:32 PM

Across this project, we’ve now laid over four kilometres of new water main. A total of 1347 metres of new pipeline has been installed along Battle Road, with 84 houses now connected to this new main. We’ll continue transferring customer supply pipes to the new main this week, once testing and sampling have returned successful results. Once this is completed, we’ll restore the current working area and move along Battle Road to the next section.

In Cade Street, we’ve laid a total of 300 metres and transferred nine houses to the new main. As with Battle Road, we’ll be connecting more customer supply pipes this week once the new main has passed the necessary testing. This week, we’ll also be preparing for the next section of main to be laid using the drilling method.

We’re pleased to say we are currently working ahead of schedule and are reviewing the programme for the remainder of the project. Updates will be provided once any changes are confirmed.

Monday, 23 September 2024
08:43 AM

Battle Road

This week, we’ll be laying 200 metres of new water main on Battle Road, working across the junction with Flitterbrook Lane, which remains closed. We’ll be preparing to transfer customer supply pipes to the new main once it has been successfully tested.

Cade Street

Last week we moved the working area along to the next section and made the necessary preparations to allow us to lay a further 150 metres of new water main this week using the directional drilling method. We’ll be preparing to transfer customer supply pipes to the new main once it has been successfully tested.

Monday, 16 September 2024
08:47 AM

Battle Road

Traffic lights have now been moved to the junction with Flitterbrook Road, and this road is now closed until Thursday 3 October. This week, we’ll be preparing the working area to lay 100 metres of pipeline using the directional drilling method, with the aim of installing this by the end of the week. Barley Mow Lane has been reopened.

Cade Street

Last week, we installed 150 metres of new pipework along Cade Street using the directional drilling method. Once testing and sampling is complete, we’ll transfer customer supply pipes to the new main. This week, we’ll return the current working area to its original state before moving along to the next 150 metre section.

Monday, 9 September 2024
10:48 AM

We’re continuing to move along Battle Road working east of Coldharbour Lane, and are also currently working in Barley Mow Lane. In Cade Street, we’ve excavated the required pits ready to install 150 metres of water main this week using the directional drilling method.

Monday, 2 September 2024
13:35 PM

Battle Road

A total 1,147 metres has now been laid along Battle Road, and this week, we started on Barley Mow Lane with just under 60 metres of water main being replaced. This week, once we’ve received successful results from sampling, testing and chlorinating the new pipework, we’ll transfer six customer services and return the working area to its original condition.

School Hill

We’ve now completed work on School Hill and the road has been reopened in time for the end of the summer holidays.

Cade Street

Work will be starting between Cade Street and Hugletts Lane this week, with two-way traffic lights set up. We’ll be preparing to drill the next section of water main by excavating the necessary pits.

Monday, 12 August 2024
10:15 AM

Battle Road

We’ve now laid a total of 887 metres of new water main within Battle Road. We’ve transferred seven more customer services to the new section of main and returned the current working area back to its original state. The temporary traffic lights have been moved along the road to the next section, where we have been carrying out preparatory work to install the next length of water main using directional drilling methods. This week, we’ll install the next 100 metres along Battle Road using this technique and prepare to transfer 27 customer services.

Halley Road

We’re pleased to say all works have been completed in Halley Road, and it has been reopened.

School Hill

Preparations have been completed between School Hill’s junctions with Portland Square and Old Heathfield Road so that the next section of pipe installation can be undertaken this week by directional drilling methods. We’ve prepared customer services so that these are ready to transfer once the new main has been laid, tested and chlorinated.

Monday, 5 August 2024
11:31 AM

Battle Road

We’ve laid a further 100 metres of new pipeline along Battle Road, using drilling methods. This week, we’ll be returning the current working area to its original state before moving the working area along to the next section. The following side road closures are coming up soon:

  • Barley Mow Lane - Tuesday 27 August to Monday 16 September
  • Coldharbour Lane - Tuesday 27 August to Monday 16 September
  • Flitterbrook Lane - Monday 9 September to Wednesday 18 September

Halley Road

We’ve installed the full length of 258 metres along Halley Road and transferred nine customer services to this new main. The working area is being returned to its original state, and we aim to clear the site this week.

School Hill

A total of 290 metres of new water main has been laid this week in School Hill. This week, we’ll be preparing the working area along the road between its junctions with Portland Square and Old Heathfield Road, ready to lay the next section of main by drilling.

Friday, 26 July 2024
16:00 PM

Battle Road

We’ve now laid a total of 787 metres along Battle Road, and this week we’ve transferred 15 customer services to the new main. We’ve returned the current working area to its original state and will be moving the working area to east of Upper Greenwoods Lane on Saturday (27 July). Next week, we’ll be excavating the required pits and preparing for next 100 metres of new main to be installed via directional drilling. We’ll also be preparing seven customer services to be connected to the new main once the new main is installed and has gone through the required testing processes.

Middle Lane

All work has been completed in Middle Lane, with a total of 1,489 metres of new main installed. The road has been reopened.

Halley Road

We’ve installed just over 250 metres via directional drilling along Halley Road. This section is undergoing testing and chlorination and we’re awaiting results of sampling. Once this has passed, we’ll transfer nine customer services to the new main next week and return the road to its original state ready to lift the road closure.

School Hill

We’ve now also closed School Hill and established the diversion route, as agreed with East Sussex Highways. Excavations and prep work have been carried out to install just under 300 metres of new water main, which is planned to be installed next week.

Thursday, 18 July 2024
13:12 PM

To date, we’ve laid just over 2.2 kilometres of new water main across the project. In Middle Lane, we’ve laid 1489 metres, and will be completing this section of work this week. The road will be reopened on Sunday 21 July, approximately three months ahead of schedule.

As we are finishing early on Middle Lane, we have now closed Halley Road. This is ahead of schedule, having originally been planned to start in November. We will be starting to install the new main via the directional drilling method this week.

In Battle Road, we’ve installed just under 790 metres of new water main and will be continuing along the road under traffic lights, currently working across the junction at Upper Greenwoods Lane, which is closed.

Next week, work will begin in School Hill, once the summer holidays begin.

Wednesday, 3 July 2024
09:53 AM

Halley Road and Upper Greenwoods Lane update

Upper Greenwoods Lane

We’re pleased to say that work is progressing well along Battle Road, and we are approaching Upper Greenwoods Lane ahead of programme. Originally scheduled to be closed in September, we will now be closing Upper Greenwoods Lane at the junction with Battle Lane on Wednesday 10 July for two weeks.

A diversion route, agreed with East Sussex Highways, will be in place and signposted for the duration. This can be seen here(opens in a new tab).

Halley Road

Due to work progressing well, we will now be working in Halley Road earlier than expected. Originally due to be closed in November, Halley Road will now be closed from Monday 15 July for three weeks.

A diversion route, agreed with East Sussex Highways, will be in place and signposted for the duration. This can be seen here(opens in a new tab).

Monday, 1 July 2024
09:53 AM

Progress continues

Battle Road

We’ve now laid just under 550 metres of new water main along Battle Road, working east from Hugletts Lane. Last week, we completed sampling and transferred more customer services to the new main, and moved the temporary traffic lights to the next 200 metre section.

This week, we will install a further 195 metres by directional drilling methods and prepare four more customer services for transfer. Once the main has passed sampling and testing, we’ll transfer customer services within this section and begin to return this working area to its original state.

Middle Lane

We’re continuing to return all working areas along Middle Lane to their original condition. We have the last remaining services to connect to the new main, and will be testing to ensure all services have been successfully connected.

Monday, 24 June 2024
10:10 AM

Battle Road

We installed a further 90 metres of new main via directional drilling, taking our total in Cade Street and Battle Road to 452 metres. We’ve transferred three customer services to the previously laid section of pipework and returned that working area to its original state. We’re awaiting testing results for the latest section, and once successfully passed, we will transfer another four services and return the area to its original condition.

Once this is completed, we’ll be moving the traffic management along Battle Road to the next section, east of Chapel Lane. We’ll start the week preparing to lay the next 190 metres of pipeline by excavating the required pits to enable us to drill this section by the end of the week.

Middle Lane

We’re pleased to say that the new water main in Middle Lane has now successfully passed all testing and water sampling requirements, and we’ve been transferring services and installing additional network equipment to the new pipeline.

This week, we will need to restrict water supplies while we connect the new pipework to the existing mains, but you will be notified 48 hours prior to this if you will be affected by this shut. This will be carried out on Thursday 27 June between 9.30am and 12.30pm. Once we’ve completed this and transferred all remaining services, we’ll start returning the road to its original state.

Monday, 17 June 2024
13:38 PM

Battle Road

Last week in Battle Road, we excavated the required pits and installed the next 100 metre section of new pipeline vis the directional drilling method. We also prepared three customers services, ready to be transferred to the new main upon completion of successful testing, which we aim to do this early this week. Once that is complete, we will be returning the current working area to its original state and moving the traffic lights nearer to Chapel Lane. Once established, we’ll be excavating several pits to allow us to install a further 100 metres of new pipeline.

To date, we’ve laid just over 360 metres on Battle Road.

Middle Lane

We’ve now laid just under 1.5 kilometres of new water main along Middle Lane. We’ve completed excavations ready to make multiple connections and will this week continue to connect customer services to the new main. We’ll also be starting to return our working areas back to their original state.

Monday, 10 June 2024
12:54 PM

Battle Road

We have completed testing on the most recently installed section of main and transferred one customer service to the new pipework. By the end of last week, we were returning the road to its original state. This week, we have moved our temporary traffic lights to the next section of works, closer to Chapel Lane. This week, we’ll be preparing for the next section of pipework to be directionally drilled. To date, we’ve laid just over 260 metres along Cade Street/Battle Road.

Middle Lane

Last week, we installed 289m of new pipework by directional drilling methods. This section of main will now be tested. We have also transferred one customer service at the north end of Middle Lane. We will continue to transfer customers on to the newly installed pipework and undertake additional pipework fitting installations before we start work to return the road to its original state.

Monday, 3 June 2024
08:06 AM

Continuing along Battle Road and Middle Lane

Battle Road

Last week, we laid a further 112 metres of new water main as we progress along Battle Road from the Hugletts Lane junction towards Chapel Cross, using both trenchless and open cut methods to navigate carefully around a gas main. We now need to await test results before we can transfer one customer service and returning this section of the working area to its current state and then move the traffic lights to the next section.

Middle Lane

We’ve installed a further 300 metres of new water main, mostly via directionally drilling except for a small 10 metre section, which was using the open cut methods due to existing site constraints. This week, we’ll be preparing for the next section of drilling by excavating the required pits along the route to install the remaining section of main.

Tuesday, 28 May 2024
12:48 PM

Work continues to progress well on both Battle Road and Middle Lane. The first 150m of pipework laid in Battle Road has successfully passed water sampling and pressure testing and has been temporarily connected to the existing main. Four customer service pipes have been connected to the new main and the working area here has been returned to its original state. Traffic management has now been moved to the next 150 metre section continuing towards Chapel Lane.

In Middle Lane, the first 500 metres of new main has passed pressure testing and we are awaiting water sample results. We’ve prepared the next 600 metres of main, and excavated the required pits for directionally drilling the next section. We’ve installed a further 400 metres of new main and have excavated ready for a temporary connection to the existing main at the junction with Battle Road.

Next week, we will be excavating and preparing for the next section of directional drilling on Battle Road, with drilling planned to start on Wednesday. On Middle Lane, we’ll be installing a further 200 metres and transferring customer services to the first 500 metres of new main once samples have passed.

Monday, 20 May 2024
08:12 AM

Battle Road and Middle Lane progress

We have now laid around 500 metres of new water main within Middle Lane and have installed a new fire hydrant. We are waiting for this new section of pipeline to be pressure tested and chlorinated before we transfer customer services to this new main. Once we have completed this, we will start to return the road to its original state.

Within Battle Road, we have installed around 150 metres, with a temporary connection to the existing main. This new section of pipeline has passed pressure testing and we have prepared four customer services ready to transfer once the pipe has been chlorinated.

This week, the team on Battle Road will be moving to assist the team on Middle Lane. There will be no activity on the Battle Road section until Thursday, dependent on sample results. We need to wait for water samples to be taken from the new main to ensure the water is top quality before we connect customer services to the pipe.

Middle Lane will benefit from two teams on site at the start of this week to help start returning excavations to their original state, and prepare the next 500 metres of main. We aim to directionally drill the next section on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Monday, 13 May 2024
11:53 AM

Drilling begins

Last week, we prepared pipework to be installed using directional drilling techniques. We excavated the launch and reception pits to enable this, as well as several trial holes along the drilling route.

This week, we will lay around 150 metres under traffic lights on Battle Road between the junctions with Hugletts Lane and Chapel Lane, and around 400 metres along Middle Lane, from Three Cups Corner to Goldings Lane. We will then need to go through a process of testing and preparing for customer service transfers.

Once the main has been installed in these sections, we will transfer property services to the new main and begin to return these working areas to their original state.

Tuesday, 7 May 2024
08:00 AM

Project begins

Work has started on Battle Lane as planned, with work beginning in Location 3: Battle Road, starting at Hugletts Lane and working east to Chapel Lane. Traffic lights are now in place on this section.

Work planned to start on Middle Lane today has been delayed due to issues with the supply of HGV diversion signage and this is now expected to begin on Thursday 9 May.

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
10:48 AM

Thank you

Thank you to everyone who attended the Burwash scheme drop-in session on 3 April and the virtual drop-in session on 9 April. Your participation was greatly appreciated.

As we continue to make progress, we will keep you informed every step of the way. Any updates or developments will be communicated through this webpage, letters, emails, the AquAlerter system, and social media updates.

Your ongoing involvement is crucial to the success of this project, and we look forward to your continued support and collaboration.

Click here to view the presentation(opens in a new tab)

Tuesday, 2 April 2024
12:46 PM

Pre-work investigations

Ever wondered what’s below the road surface?

We recently excavated several trial holes to help us determine the ground conditions and monitor for other utilities which may be in the area. This helps us to establish the best methods for laying the new pipeline and pinpoint the exact route it should take.

This photograph was taken at one of our trial holes. You can see that the ground make up shows the top tarmac layer of the road and reinforced concrete underneath, which is the main road structure and 300mm thick. You can see the changing geology from a hard, dark stone (600mm thick) to a sandy clay layer at the bottom of the pit. This shows the changing ground strata in the area and how it changes from a hard material, which is more difficult to break through, to a more easily dug area of clay.

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