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As part of an ongoing programme to improve our water supply network we are planning a £350,000 project to replace one kilometre of old, unreliable water mains in Heartenoak Road, Whites Lane and private land.

It is crucial we replace these sections of old pipework to reduce the likelihood of bursts in the area and to secure the top-quality drinking water supply to residents for years to come.

There have been seven bursts on these sections of pipe in the last eight years causing disruption to customers’ drinking water supplies.

We’ll be using a technique called pipe insertion which involves excavating a series of pits and inserting a new pipe within the existing main.

We’ll also be using traditional open cut techniques where required.

Work is planned to start on 26 July and is expected to take approximately 19 weeks to complete.

Although most of the work will be completed in private land, as a safety precaution for pedestrians, motorists and our staff we will be closing Whites Lane and Heartenoak Road at the following locations during the project:

  • Whites Lane from the junction of Water Lane, 450m down to Duvals Farm entrance
  • Heartenoak Road from the entrance to Hawkhurst House Nursing down to Ockley Lane
  • Heartenoak Road between the junctions of Ten Oaks Farm and 65 metres down to the next private road junction next to Hawkhurst Salvage yard.

Access to homes and businesses will be maintained at all times. However, normal access routes may change as the scheme progresses depending on where the roadworks are in relation to property entrances.

Diversion routes, which have been agreed by Kent Highways, will be clearly signposted for the duration of the scheme.

Project updates

18 October:

This week we have drilled a section of new pipe in private land off of Heartenoak Road.

11 October:

To date we have installed 777 metres of new pipe in private land and along the private road off of Heartenoak Road.

We will be closing Heartenoak Road to through traffic from 23 October.

4 October

This week we are undertaking trial holes to determine the best route for the new mainto be drilled underground in the private road off of Heartenoak Road.

27 September

We are now setting up our working site in the private road that comes off of Heartenoak Road, ready for a new section of main to be drilled underground.

20 September

After installing a section of new water main in private land last week, this week we begin preparations for closing the private road off of Heartenoak Road.

13 September:

We are preparing our next section of main to be installed in private land this week.

06 September:

Our workforce has continued to make good progress with installing the new pipe and a total of 780 metres has been installed to date.

23 August:

This week we are preparing to install a further 250 metres of new water main in private land.

15 August:

To date we have installed 240 metres of new water main in private land off of Heartenoak Road.

26 July:

Work due to begin.

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