Bewl Water Treatment Works in East Sussex is set to undergo a significant £61 million upgrade, estimated to finish in mid-2028. This comprehensive project aims to expand storage capacity, restore the current treatment works to previous levels of production and add a new treatment facility on to the site. The works are still in the planning stages but look set to provide an invaluable boost to water production in the area.

Project Timeline:

  • Phase One: Due to start in August, this initial phase includes essential maintenance, refurbishment, and upgrades to the current site, bringing the existing storage tanks back up to full capacity increasing the amount of water.

  • Phase Two: Scheduled to commence after the completion of phase one, this phase will see a new treatment facility built on site, enhancing the storage and treatment capacity that is already in place. This will boost water supply for the area whilst decreasing the likelihood of loss of supply or water pressure. This phase is expected to be completed in August 2028.

This work will result in an additional 17 million litres of fresh drinking water being treated and pumped to homes daily.

This page will be updated with details of the project.

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