South East Water partnership with Kidney Care UK

13th November 2024

We’re proud of our new partnership with Kidney Care UK who will refer people they are supporting within our supply area directly through to the vulnerability team so our customers can have access to better tariffs and offer further support.

What is chronic kidney disease?

Chronic kidney disease occurs when a disease or condition impairs kidney function, causing kidney damage to worsen over several months or years. The disease affects 1 in 10 people in the UK (equivalent to more than 7 million people), but at least 1 million of these people don’t know they have it.

The partnership will help the 76,000 people with kidney disease in the South East Water supply area benefit from a range of services, including enhanced support via our Priority Services Register.(opens in a new tab)

Take 5 minutes to help protect your kidneys.

Your kidneys are amazing. They are constantly filtering toxins from your blood to keep your organs working, find out if you are at risk of kidney disease and understand more about keeping your kidneys healthy.

Knowing your risk can help your doctor diagnose you in the early stages if you do have chronic kidney disease (CKD): in a new tab)

We hope this will help relieve any stress relating to their water usage and bills and enable our customers to concentrate on their health and living their lives to their full potential.

Priority Services Register:

We can all benefit from a bit of extra support from time to time, whether it's due to age, ill health, disability, mental health problems, language barriers or a temporary change in your personal situation.

Our Priority Services Register could help you, your family or your friends benefit from additional support from us so we can respond quickly to any particular needs. It's completely free to register. Simply fill in our secure online form here.(opens in a new tab) We're here to help Monday to Friday between 8am - 7pm.

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