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Sneaky Leaky Loos

8th May 2024

When we think about leaks, we often think about finding them in our pipes or taps, but spotting other leaks at home can be tricky, as they’re often hidden.

Hundreds of litres of water are wasted every single day with leaks that we can’t see. If you have found a leak at home and not had it fixed yet, it could add hundreds of pounds a year to your water bill, and be causing significant damage to your home and appliances.

A leak loo can waste around 400 litres of clean water a day, the equivalent of having an extra two people living in your house!

Think you may have a sneaky leaky loo?

It can be tricky to know if you have a leaky loo. When a toilet is leaking, clean water dribbles or runs away from the cistern down the back of the pan, which means it can often go unnoticed.

The quickest and easiest way to check for a leak in your loo is with our free LeakyLoo™ strips. They are quick and easy to use and will give you results straight away. Order them for FREE, here.(opens in a new tab)

How do I use the LeakyLoo strip?

It’s best to use the LeakyLoo™ strips overnight, but they can also give you a result within just a few hours.

Step 1: Dry the back of the toilet bowl with tissue, and don’t flush.

Step 2: Peel back the adhesive cover and place the strip horizontally across the back of the pan.

Step 3: Leave for at least 30 minutes, but if possible around 3 hours, or even better, overnight if you can!

After a minimum of 30 minutes, if the strip is still dry, you don’t have a leak. If the wording is slightly blurred, they may be a small leak, so we would recommend repeating the process and leaving the strip overnight.

If the LeakyLoo™ words have run into the white strip, this means it’s got wet, and you probably have a leak. If the strip tears or breaks in two, you probably have a significant leak wasting hundreds of litres of water a day.

Once done, as it’s made of biodegradable water soluble paper, simply flush the strip away.

What should I do if I have a leaky loo?

It’s really important you arrange for a repair of your leaky loo as soon as possible, and let us, your water supplier, know too. Usually, if a leak is identified and fixed quickly, we can provide a leak allowance following the repair, reducing your water bill if you are on a meter.

You’ll need to arrange for a plumber to attend your property to carry out the repair. It’s important you find someone trustworthy and reputable to help, who holds the correct qualifications, training and Public Liability Insurance. Use our approved plumbers page to search for a find a local plumber.

How can I let you know I’ve had my leaky loo repaired?

Letting us know is quick and easy. Simply visit here,(opens in a new tab) pop in your customer account number (you can find this on MyAccount, or any letter or email received from us), and answer yes or no if you have used your LeakyLoo™ strip.

What do I do when my leak is fixed?

Please contact us via MyAccount(opens in a new tab) once the leak has been repaired and provide us with the following:

  • The date of repair.
  • Who repaired the leak.
  • A meter reading following the repair.

If you are unable to take a water meter reading please contact us(opens in a new tab) and we will arrange to take one for you. Once we obtain a read on repair we can then look into if an allowance is due. Any allowances given for the leak will be applied based on the time taken to fix it.

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