Inspiring inclusion with our working women

8th March 2024

International Women's Day is taking place on March 8 to celebrate women's achievements, raise awareness about discrimination and create a world free of bias.

We're taking this opportunity to thank all the women across the business for their hard work and tell just a couple of their stories of what it's like to work as a woman in a once male-dominated industry.

Introducing Tauba - Catchment Scientist

My name is Tauba, and I'm a Catchment Scientist for South East Water.

My day-to-day role involves monitoring our raw water sources by collecting samples from boreholes and rivers, which are then tested for various chemical parameters.

By doing this, we can understand the pressures in the area that impact the raw water quality and implement ways to manage and minimise these impacts.

I've been here for a year and have learned so much already. I enjoy being out in the field, collecting valuable data, and having a hybrid role that allows me to see the team when I'm in the office, so I get the best of both working environments.

I have always felt so welcome, and every person I have met on the team has been approachable, friendly, and eager to help out.

Before experiencing this industry, I believed it would be a male-dominant workforce. Still, I have been pleasantly surprised to see many hard-working, passionate women since joining South East Water.

I am privileged to be part of a company with male and female co-workers, mentors, and positive role models.

I have never felt compartmentalised into being a 'female' worker or being perceived to have a job that previously only men would do.

I feel confident to be in a room of men without feeling out of place; I'm relieved and grateful that this has been normalised and has never been questioned.

I'm simply part of the team, not a female anomaly or a 'masculine' woman.

Seeing so many successful women on the team inspires me to achieve my best every day and be proud to be a woman. I hope that my presence as a woman in the water industry paves the way for future generations to never allow gender to define career aspirations.

Introducing Katie - Training and Procedures Specialist

My role at South East Water is to train new starters who join the business by completing a four-week training induction. I also look after policies and procedures within Q-pulse and am responsible for distributing briefing notes to the contact centre with small updates. If there are new processes, then I will complete training for existing staff and colleagues.

Learning and development (L&D) is something I'm really passionate about. I thrive by inspiring others, much like my trainers, Holly, and Ellie, who inspired me. I'm incredibly fortunate to be studying a CIPD L5 to enhance my skills and give me further knowledge in L&D. We see a range of employees in the training room with different learning styles and abilities. It's my role to design engaging and exciting training material to suit everyone.

The customer service role is usually more female-oriented. However, in December, I had an all-male group bar one, and seeing that diversity was great!

I have trained some fantastic individuals who inspire us all. Some have progressed to become aspiring managers, some have supported other teams within the business, and others have successfully achieved distinctions in apprenticeships.

Once again, we thank all the women across our business and will continue to empower and inspire throughout the years.

If you’d like to join our team, to be you, belong and be valued, then check out our available positions below.

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