Beating the Bogus Callers

15th November 2022

When receiving communications from us or any utility, such as an email, visit at your door or phone call, please remember to stay alert and check it's genuine.

There may be times we need to enter your home, for example, to take a water sample or for a welfare check. When we do, our staff will always be in uniform, in a marked van, and carrying their ID badges.

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Before answering the front door, check who is there using a window or spy hole and make sure the back door is locked too.

To add an extra layer of security to your account, you can add a password that a South East Water employee will relay back to you when visiting your home here

If we need to call you, our employees will always be friendly and polite, and if you're unsure you're speaking to a genuine staff member, you can always hang up and call us back on 0333 000 0001.(opens in a new tab)

If you receive an email from us that seems suspicious, please don't click on any links or reply with sensitive information. We will never ask for your username or password for your online account.

Last but not least, if you're contacting us on social media, please make sure you send any sensitive information in a private message so it’s not posted publicly on our wall.

With all these steps in place, you can be assured you'll be safe in your home, on the phone and online.

If you think you may have been scammed by someone pretending to be us, please let us know as soon as possible. For more ways to stay safe online, please click here.

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