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At South East Water we provide top quality, wholesome drinking water to 2.3m consumers. Each day we pump and treat about 530m litres of water into our network of 9,000 miles of pipes. Over the last few years, our region has seen a significant change in the climate, a growing population and big shift in people’s working habits that means that more people are working from home. More recently we’ve all had to face up to the challenges of the cost of living crisis. All of these factors affect how we how we supply water to you.

By taking part in this Your water your say session you’ll play your part in helping us to shape the future of water in the region. We want to provide a service that is affordable and accessible for everyone, and is able to tackle the challenges in the short, medium and long term.

If you can’t get involved, then please let your friends, neighbours and family members know about the meeting.

You can submit your question in advance to the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), the independent voice for water consumers in England and Wales. The CCW team will then raise it for you, and can also ask your question if you are attending the meeting, but would prefer them to put the query to us on your behalf.

Please send questions to: yourwateryoursay@ccwater.org.uk (mailto:yourwateryoursay@ccwater.org.uk(opens in a new tab)) stating clearly:

  • Which company your question is for
  • Whether you are unable to attend on the day and would like CCW to ask your question OR you are attending, but would prefer CCW to ask your question.

We won’t know what questions are being asked, but will have a panel of company experts on hand to ensure that we can answer as many questions as possible. Questions that are asked and can’t be covered due to time, will receive a written response.

Our ‘Your Water, Your Say’ session will also be attended by representatives from Ofwat, CCW and our CCG(opens in a new tab) (Customer Challenge Group). When we submit our draft 2025-30 business plan to Ofwat in October 2023, we will be required to set out how we will address the issues raised at the meeting.

Yes. Once the business plan is submitted in October 2023, a second Your water, your say meeting will be held to demonstrate how your feedback has influenced our plan. Details of this second meeting will be published in the late Summer 2023.

Don’t worry. We know that plans can change. If you still have a question that you’d like to ask, but can’t be there then your question can still be asked by CCW.

Simply email your question to: yourwateryoursay@ccwater.org.uk (mailto:yourwateryoursay@ccwater.org.uk) stating clearly:

  • Which company your question is for
  • That you’re unable to attend and would prefer CCW to ask your question.

As well as the information provided here, you can also find out more about the meeting from our regulators, Ofwat (https://www.ofwat.gov.uk/regulated-companies/price-review/2024-price-review/your-water-your-say/) & CCW (https://www.ccwater.org.uk/priorities/price-review/have-your-say-on-water-company-plans-for-2025-30/).

South East Water provides drinking water only, and as a result some of our customers receive waste water services from either Southern Water (https://www.southernwater.co.uk/) or Thames Water (https://www.thameswater.co.uk/)[CR1] (#_msocom_1) . Both companies are running similar events and if you’d like to find out how to take part please visit their websites.

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