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We have redefined our strategic direction for the next 25 years to ensure our priorities align with yours.

Our Strategic Direction Statement (SDS) outlines our challenges and priorities to meet customers’ expectations, secure future water resources, and reduce leaks and water demand. We also set out how to improve resilience and performance, reduce our carbon footprint, and adapt to climate change while protecting and restoring the environment and biodiversity.

We have consulted and engaged with a wide range of customers and stakeholders, as well as reviewed existing research to develop a draft statement. Following feedback on our draft, we have now refined our final statement.

The revised Statement

The statement is built upon six key priorities:

  • A trusted and affordable service supporting customers and society.
  • Flexible, resilient infrastructure and service.
  • Thriving environment.
  • Low carbon sustainable business.
  • Securing the future of water.
  • Future-ready business.

Under each of these priorities sits a series of aims and targets.

We have adapted our strategy to the characteristics and specific challenges of each of our three regions: our western region (Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey), which is geographically separate from the others, and the Kent and Sussex regions adjacent to each other.

Each of our regions has specific characteristics determined by different river catchments, geology, topography, ecology and land use and are also the result of how our infrastructure was developed over time. For these reasons, our future challenges will impact each of them differently.

The SDS also sets out how we will deal with risks and uncertainties through adaptive planning, ensuring our strategy evolves and that the right solutions are delivered at the right time.

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