From the 50-year Water Resources Management Plan to 5-week engineering schemes, our planning projects come in all shapes and sizes to secure water resources.

Our approach to planning is to work together with our customers and stakeholders to develop plans that align with everyone's priorities.

Whether it's short-term projects, like installing a new water main or our long-term business plan, looking into the future, sharing ideas, and learning from our experiences together is vital.

Our long-term plans set out how we propose to maintain and improve our water main network and treatment works and secure water resources to meet the growing demand in the South East.

We take into account the economy, legislation, the impact of population growth and the fast-moving effects of climate change to build resilience against these pressures.

Consulting with our customers and stakeholders is vital to our planning, and we take your views on board when shaping our future direction.

Business plan

Our business plan sets out the investment we need to make during regular five-year periods to operate, maintain and improve our services. Our regulator Ofwat uses this plan to set the price limits for our customers during the same period.

Our current business plan runs from 2020 to 2025.

Business plan 2020-2025

Cartoon of young family walking to a reservoir, the male adult is holding a picnic basket

Water Resources Management Plan

Our Water Resources Management Plan sets out how we intend to keep your taps flowing into the future while striking the delicate balance between ensuring there is enough water to supply the growing communities and protecting and enhancing the environment.

Our revised Water Resources Management Plan

Drought plan

Our Drought Plan sets out the steps we would take during periods of low rainfall to ensure we can deliver a reliable water supply for the essential needs of drinking, washing, cooking and cleaning.

It details what actions we'd take to conserve water and secure customers’ supplies, while balancing the needs of the environment.

Our draft Drought Plan

Together we know h2ow

What is the Customer Challenge Group and what does it do?

The Customer Challenge Group endeavours to put South East Water customers at the heart of future plans and prices.

The independent group – which comprises water regulators, customer representatives and key stakeholders – scrutinises and challenges South East Water’s strategic direction, including the next five-year investment plan which will cover the 2020 2025 period.

When the business plan has been finalised, Ofwat will ask the Customer Challenge Group to write a report which sets out how well South East Water has engaged with its customers, and whether their views have been adequately reflected in the plan.

The Customer Challenge Group has its own website where they share more details about what they do, who they are and how to get involved.

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