Our Long Term Delivery Strategy considers the challenges we face in delivering our services over that timeframe and the proposed investment programme required to achieve our ambition.

We provide our core and best value plans and then lay out a further five adaptive pathways that can be enacted should future uncertainties materialise. Our PR24 Business Plan has then been created within the context of this 25-year strategy as the first stage of investment needed to achieve our stated 2050 ambition.

We have followed a robust LTDS methodology, compliant with Ofwat guidance, and collaborated with the wider water industry and specialists to understand the different plausible futures that we may have to adapt to, what investment will be required, and what elements of this investment are covered by base expenditure.

Our report is structured as follows:

1. Our Ambition to 2050

2. Our Long-Term Delivery Strategy

3. Rationale

4. Supporting data and information

As part of the development of our strategy, we have tested our plans against the four Ofwat scenarios. Additionally, we have tested an additional scenario, which captures slower delivery of water efficiency and catchment management activities based on delayed responsiveness from third parties.

The details of each of these scenarios and their impacts can be found in the Rationale section of this document.

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