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Broad Oak reservoir will ensure a resilient and sustainable water supply, innovatively delivered, to benefit the natural environment and community, now and in the future.

Broad Oak reservoir, located to the north of Canterbury, is a large scale investment and construction project which marks the second major reservoir to be built in the South East in the last three decades. Once built, it will not only help meet the future demand for drinking water in East Kent, but also create new habitats, increase biodiversity and provide social benefits for the local community.

It could hold 5,126 million litres of water and supply 22 million litres of water a day, equivalent to 275,000 full baths. Raw water would be taken from the Great Stour near Monkton and then held at the reservoir before being treated at the on-site water treatment works and pumped to homes and businesses.

The scheme originates as early as the 1940s, and the land for this purpose was purchased by South East Water in the 1970s. Plans for the reservoir have featured consistently in our Water Resources Management Plans in recent years, and is required from 2035 to reduce the amount of water we take from groundwater and rare chalk stream habitats. We aim to deliver water into supply from 2035.

An environmentally led scheme

Our vision for Broad Oak reservoir is driven by environmental factors, and our ambition to support and enhance biodiversity.

Two swans in Broad Oak
  • South East Water is working closely with dedicated partner agencies such as Historic England, Kent Wildlife Trust, Natural England and the Environment Agency to follow expert guidance and ensure the protection of plant and animal species.
  • We have an obligation to fulfil Biodiversity Net Gain targets, providing new habitats and enhancing the area.
  • Broad Oak Reservoir will reduce our impact on chalk streams, as an alternative to ground water abstraction.
  • Will provide new greenspace and areas of nature accessible to the local community and visitors, as well as community activities such as walking trails, cycling, bird watching, and educational work.

Carrying out survey work

Throughout 2024, we carried out numerous surveys of the Broad Oak reservoir site, and the local area, in order to better understand things such as:

  • The wildlife that lives and visits here
  • The flow of local rivers and water quality
  • The ground conditions
  • The heritage of any buildings

This extensive work will continue over the next three years, and will provide us with a baseline from which to plan, measure and design.

Find out more about surveys undertaken for this project here.(opens in a new tab)

Heritage surveys taking place for Broad Oak reservoir
Heritage surveyors assess the history of local buildings in Broad Oak.

Stakeholder and community engagement

South East Water staff at a Broad Oak reservoir Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting
South East Water staff attend a Broad Oak reservoir Stakeholder Advisory Group meeting.

Over the course of the past year, South East Water have operated a number of internal working groups, covering an array of different topics, in order to progress and deliver the Broad Oak reservoir project. In February 2025, we then founded the first panel made up of external parties, the Broad Oak reservoir Stakeholder Advisory Group.

The group, which meets regularly, is comprised of professional organisations in the fields of tourism, business, culture and heritage, environmental bodies, community groups and residents' associations, alongside Parish Councils and Borough Councillors.

Their role is to help us shape Broad Oak reservoir, submit views on behalf of the wider community, and provide their in-depth specialist knowledge and insights, ensuring we can mitigate potential issues and understand local feeling.

We publicly publish the minutes from meetings of the Broad Oak reservoir Stakeholder Advisory Group. You can view these online shortly.

Our next phase of engagement will be to discuss our draft plans with members of the public, in autumn/winter 2025. This work will involve events such as public meetings, drop in sessions, online webinars, surveys and printed materials. In the meantime, if you have ideas on what you would like to see at the Broad Oak reservoir site, you can let us know your thoughts on our interactive map.(opens in a new tab)

Ground Investigation works

From May to September 2025, Ground Investigation work (GI) will be carried out in agricultural fields in proximity to the reservoir site, to provide us with the information we need to assess the proposed location and move forward with the scheme. This means that machinery, personnel and activity will be visible on site for the first time.

However, this is not construction work, and does not signal the start of the reservoir build – it is exploratory survey work to provide us with the data necessary to plan a reservoir design and build. We are not fracking, or drilling for substances, or detrimentally impacting wildlife.

Over the past year, we have conducted a series of non-intrusive surveys, providing environmental and hydrogeological data. GI works are the next phase of the project, and these can be more invasive in nature.

South East Water engineering staff and consultants visit the Broad Oak reservoir site.

What you may see during Ground Investigations

There will be very visible activity during the period of Ground Investigations, including tall machinery, staff of our appointed contractors, a site office, and vehicles. The area will look like a construction compound, but no construction work is taking place.

How you may be affected by Ground Investigations at Broad Oak

Ground Investigation works are to take place during normal daytime working hours, and within noise limits as set by the relevant local planning authority, to minimise disruption and impact to the environment. However, there will be unavoidable noise and activity that may affect those living close by.

We are communicating with South East Water’s residential and agricultural tenants on an individual basis, and sending information to local residents and businesses in the wider area.

GI works involve exploratory surveys. These investigations are crucial for assessing ground conditions, evaluating the project’s viability, and determining the extent of necessary earthworks. The GI works themselves include soil sampling, groundwater and gas monitoring through exploratory holes such as bore holes and trial pits.

This stage is vital for risk mitigation and in contributing towards the project design.

Not at this stage. The Ground Investigation works do not signal the start of construction work on the reservoir – we are assessing the ground where the reservoir will be built at a later date.

The Broad Oak reservoir project is now progressing, with the aim to provide water into supply by 2035. We are in the initial phase of this scheme, and the GI work will inform our plans.

Local residents may hear increased noise levels, and see contractors working on site.

If your land is directly affected, our appointed land agents, Dalcour Maclaren, will contact you individually.

We will be liaising closely with environmental and wildlife groups to avoid impact on watercourses and habitats.

All activities will adhere to Health and Safety and environmental legislation, with working areas being secured with fencing.

Get in touch

For enquiries relating to Broad Oak reservoir, please contact broadoak@southeastwater.co.uk

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