Our water is some of the highest quality in the world, and we want to keep it that way.

To keep our rivers and groundwater sources healthy, our expert team manages distinct areas around our water sources, known as catchments. We work with farmers and landowners to stop soil, fertiliser and pesticides washing from fields into rivers and groundwater; improving the quality of our water at the source.

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There are simple things farmers and landowners can do to minimise wash off into rivers. Just calibrating machines correctly, for example, or collecting rainwater, can make a lot of difference.

We can help with these practical solutions. We offer a free farm visit from an independent specialist advisor who can look for solutions and farmers may be eligible for a grant.

More details about each catchment can be found below, with details of your local Catchment Advisor. If you need any more information, please get in touch with your local advisor below or email catchment@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab).

Did you know...

As part of our catchment management programme, we offer grants of up to £20,000 for on-farm improvements and other initiatives to improve river and groundwater quality?

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