A. Application Process and Rules


South East Water Limited (“SEW”, “we”, “our”, or “us”) is supporting local communities and good causes by establishing a Community Chest Fund to help people and communities across SEW’s supply area to create positive change and thrive.

Community Chest Fund and Eligibility

A maximum total of £20,000 of funding is available in 2025 to support local community projects (“Project(s)”) with a focus on either:

  1. water related/environmental improvement schemes; or
  2. supporting children and young people, the elderly and/or or disadvantaged or vulnerable groups

The Community Chest Fund is open to eligible local voluntary and community groups, charities and not-for-profit organisations to apply for grants (each a “Grant”) of up to £2,000.

Applicants must operate, and have their main offices registered, in SEW’s supply area. Applications for funding will be considered for those Projects with a direct and identifiable benefit to people and communities in SEW’s supply area. The ‘SEW supply area’ is defined at: https://www.southeastwater.co.uk/about/who-we-are/

Applications will also be accepted from local voluntary and community groups, charities and not-for-profit organisations with whom our employees are involved outside of their work at SEW, provided that the eligibility and qualification criteria as described in theses terms and conditions is met.

Projects ineligible from the Community Chest Fund are:

  • Activities not providing a direct and identifiable benefit to people and communities in the SEW supply area;
  • Activities that have already been undertaken or are complete;
  • Advertising or marketing promotions of any kind;
  • Racist or culturally divisive campaigns;
  • Political causes or campaigns;
  • National and/or third party fund-raising activities or challenges; and
  • Part-funding for larger projects i.e. buildings, events, assets.

Please note that applications from individuals, Community Interest Companies (CICs), religious movements or political groups will not be accepted.

Application and Selection Criteria

Applications are made by completing the online form available on our website at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/communitychest. The deadline for submitting an application is 23:59 on Thursday 20 March 2025 and any application received after this date will not be considered. No more than one application may be submitted by each group, charity or organisation.

Applications that meet our eligibility and qualification criteria will be considered and shortlisted by an independent panel (the “Panel”) of employees from across our business. Applications will be assessed and Grants awarded for Projects the Panel believe best meets the criteria and can demonstrate a direct and identifiable benefit to the people and local communities in the SEW supply area.

Applicants will be informed of the Panel’s decision by Tuesday 1 April 2025. The decision of the Panel is final.

Information submitted as part of the application process will be used in accordance with the Community Chest section of our Privacy Policy available on our website at https://www.southeastwater.co.uk/about/legal-and-policies/privacy-policy.

The Community Chest Fund is managed by our Communications Team. Questions or requests for further information about the Community Chest Fund or the application process should be sent to communitychest@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab).

By submitting an application to the Community Chest the applicant acknowledges and agreed that the award of the Community Chest Grant is subject to the Award of Grant Terms and Conditions described in Section B.

B. Award of Grant Terms and Conditions

1. The Terms and Conditions described in this Section B govern the award and use of funds under a Community Chest Fund grant (the “Grant”) to support local community projects (“Project(s)”) described in the a corresponding application and are entered into between South East Water Limited (“SEW”) and the groups, charities and/or organisations in receipt of a Grant (“Recipient(s)”).

Determination and Notification of Award

2. SEW reserves the right, through its Community Chest Fund panel, to determine at its sole discretion the number of Grants and amounts awarded under the Community Chest Fund. Funds not allocated by SEW in 2024 may be accrued for distribution under an application process in the following year(s).

3. Recipients are required to acknowledge receipt of a notification of award and respond to SEW promptly and within 14 days. Failure of the Recipient to do so may result in the withdrawal of the award by SEW and reallocation of funds.

Payment, Receipt and Use of funds

4. Grants will not be paid unless and until the Recipient has returned a completed bank details form to SEW, together with a certified copy of a bank statement (to be not less than three months old and in the name of the Recipient’s organisation or group). Funds will not be paid to the bank account of an individual.

5. SEW reserves the right to pay the Grant on an instalment basis. This may be appropriate where the delivery of a Project is dependent on the completion of certain activities, or acts of third parties. In this case, SEW may request that the Recipient evidence the completion of such activities or third party acts prior to the release of the next instalment.

6. Recipients acknowledge and agree that funds awarded under a Grant may only be used for the purposes, and within the timeframes, described in the Recipient’s application form.

7. Recipients agree to act in a fair and open manner in all of their dealings with SEW and keep SEW regularly updated as to the status of their respective Projects and their use of the Grant.

8. SEW reserves the right to withhold payment of a Grant (or any instalment thereof) or requirement of repayment of any funds paid where:

  • information provided under an application is found to be false or deliberately misleading;
  • the Recipient’s organisation or group has disbanded, becomes insolvent or goes into administration or cannot meet its plans for the funding of the Project;
  • any part of the Grant that is not required for the Project; or
  • the Recipient is found to be in breach of these Terms and Conditions.

9. Recipients are required to keep proper and up to date accounts and records for six (6) years after completion of the Project to confirm the use of the Grant in accordance with these terms and conditions.


10. SEW reserves the right to make public the name of the Recipient’s group or organisation, details of the Project and the nature of the Grant awarded.

11. Recipients acknowledge that SEW may wish to promote the Community Chest Fund and its work to support local community projects through the Grant. Each Recipient agrees to participate in interviews and/or photo shoots for SEW’s promotional purposes which may include, but not be limited to, publication on SEW’s website(s) and/or its social media platforms, SEW’s annual report or other regulatory reports.

12. Any use by the Recipient of the SEW logo or name is subject to SEW’s prior written approval. Requests for approval should be sent to the Communications Team at communitychest@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab)

Changes and Notification Obligations

13. Recipients agree to comply with any applicable law and regulation governing the activities of their organisation or group and any safeguarding obligations to which they are bound or otherwise subject to.

14. Recipients are required to immediately inform SEW of any material change to their respective Project or to the structure of governing documents of the Recipient’s organisation or group or its activities which may impact the delivery of the Project.

15. Recipients are required to immediately inform SEW of any investigation, or adverse event, that is likely to affect the Project or the reputation, of the Recipient’s organisation or group.

Additional Terms and Conditions

16. SEW reserves the right to add additional terms and conditions at the time of award to take account of the specific circumstances or nature of a Project.

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