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Following the Upper Tribunal's judgment in the matter of Fish Legal & Emily Shirley v Information Commissioner & Others [2015] UKUT 0052 (AAC), South East Water is now subject to the Environmental Information Regulations (EIR) 2004.

This means that members of the public are entitled to request certain environmental information from us.

South East Water is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Making a request

Our Publication Scheme is currently under development and will be available in the near future. If you would like to request any environmental information in the interim, please contact us:

Email us:

You can email us at eir.requests@southeastwater.co.uk(opens in a new tab)

Write to us:

EIR requests
South East Water Ltd
Rocfort Road

Call us:

Please call us on 0333 000 0002(opens in a new tab) and let a member of our customer services team know that you wish to make a request for environmental information.

Charging Scheme

Please note that we charge for all environmental information requests.

However, where possible, we provide free access to a wide range of information through:

  • Our website
  • Access to any public registers which we hold
  • Inspecting information at our head offices


We are allowed to charge you a reasonable fee to respond to your request.

The guidance from the Information Commissioner on charging for environmental information can be found here(opens in a new tab).

Our charges will be calculated based on the cost to us of responding to the request.

The charges will be made up of:

  • The cost of staff time will be charged at £25 per hour and includes the time required to locate and retrieve the requested information. It does not include the initial cost of determining if we hold the requested information, or time taken to decide whether the requested information can be released.
  • Printing or copying the requested information and sending it to the applicant shall be charged at cost.
  • Postage fees will be charged at cost and delivered by Royal Mail, signed for first class post.

Once you have made your request and we have determined whether we hold the information requested and whether it can be released we shall provide you will a quote of the costs involved in order for us to prepare your response. You will be asked to pay the charges before we proceed to releasing the information to you.

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